
Monday, March 5, 2012

Creative Free

I love to give the kids tools and let their creativity go free. During winter break Daniel painted his guitar and Oskar was painting on small pieces of paper that he later will use as birthday cards for his friends.

My project is to find the greener me. I have been searching in the web, Pinterest and magazines, but also in my childhood memories, because my mothers favorite color is green and we had a lot of green in the house that I grow up in. When I think green, Master Yoda and plants are the first things that come to my mind. I have orchids in the house but the ceramic pots they are in were plain boring, so I decided to give them green make overs. During my visit to the Panduro shop I found a kit with nice forest colors: different greens tones, one yellow and one brown. I paste wallpaper to the ceramic pots before painting them to add texture.

This is a small preview because I am not finish with my idea.

The family is back to the every day routine but I am looking forward to more free family days maybe with my parents.


  1. Så herlig å se kreativiteten boble :)

    Finfin ukesstart til deg, søte!

  2. Så koselige dette såg ut,flinke og kreative dere er:)
    Ønske deg ei fin veke!

  3. Så herlig med maleaktivitet med barna.
    Spennende å se resultatet når det blir ferdig.

    Fin kveld til deg!
    - AC

  4. Så flott idé! Dette så flott ut. Gleder meg til å se pottene når alle er ferdige.

    Ønsker deg en god kveld
    Klem Tonje


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