
Sunday, October 28, 2012


This week we got the nicest Christmas feeling outside with white pure snow.
But indoors there is Halloween what matters.

The celebration starts with the pumpkin. This is a tradition, (make a pumpkin), that I only got a few years ego. We never did that in my home and here in Norway the Halloween celebration is relatively new. My hubby had never celebrated it before I came into his life, (this year is the first time he is going to dress up!)

I do miss celebrate this in my home country. In Colombia Halloween is call the Children's day and there are party's in all the neighborhoods. The kids dress up like their favorite TV heroes, animals or like things they want to be when they grow up, and the night of October 31 they go trick or treat singing songs for candy.

 The good atmosphere of candles and kids laughing makes Octobers darkest nights warm and magical.

PS: do you have a good pumpkin recipe you wanna share with me?


  1. Så spennende å lese om dine erfaringer med Halloween! Vi har ikke tradisjon for å feire denne dagen, men jeg regner med det kommer mer og mer ettersom barna blir større. Kjempeflott gresskar du har skåret ut!

  2. Så moro!! DU er så kreativ Vicky! har MYE å lære av deg!
    Ha en finfin kveld!!! klemmer

  3. Så herlig:))
    Gøy med kreativitet!


  4. Hola! Hablás castellano, no?
    Te quedó muy linda la calabaza!
    Estuve visitando tu blog y me gustó mucho.
    Besos desde Argentina, Silvina

  5. Så fine, du er virkelig kreativ:)
    Jeg har dessverre ikke noen oppskrift å dele med deg, gresskar (bortsett fra ovnsbakt butternutsquash) er veldig sjeldent brukt her - burde vært oftere egentlig...

    Takk til deg, for at du er med i gi-bort-en min.
    Lykke til, og god klem:)


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