
Friday, December 13, 2013

Lately & Thankful ♥

This December came like a breaking ball both in a good and bad way -but I am doing everything in my power to stay positive. Despite those things I could complain for, I am totally thankful and grateful for this amazing year.
I have been on a wonderful trip to Lillestrøm, a cute town right outside Oslo. Together with 40 Norwegian Interior Bloggers we had a "pre" Christmas gathering. We were pampered from A to Z by Fabelaktig Maia and her group of partners, first with a champagne, tapas and with VIP shopping at "ZanZ-ikke som hos naboen". We then enjoyed a lounge for dinner and presentations from some inspiring entrepreneurs, like: Festfabrikken/Partyplanner, Lille Himmel/ Ruth&Rudolf, Love is GreenPassion for baking, Secrets by B and Woods Agenturer.

Two happy faces! My friend Veronika, I vinduskarmen, won a trendy Kubus 8 candlestick and I was photograph by Lotta, Lottas himmelrom, picking up two wonderful goodiebags from Lille Himmel and Ruth&Rudolf.

Another thankful thought is to my fellow bloggers from Blad. I got second place in the last blog challenge of the year and that makes me really happy! GRACIAS!

On my next blog post I will share pictures of how I prepared my home this Christmas. Meanwhile follow me via Instagram: @livingfourseasons.

See you,


  1. Så kjekkt å få være med på slike kjekke ting,heldige du er:)
    Klem fra Lillian

  2. takk for sist!
    håper du koser deg id esember :)
    klem ellemell

  3. Para mi tampoco ha sido un buen año, pero aún así también tengo muchas cosas que agradecer. Feliz Navidad a tod@s!!

  4. Takk for et koselig møte!
    Nå begynner det å ligne litt jul her hos meg også.. og nystekte "brune-pinner" ligger å frister på kjøkkenbenken..mmm….
    Kos deg med juleforberedelsene!

    Hilsen fra

  5. Skulle så gjerne vært i Lillestrøm! Kanskje neste gang? Gleder meg til å se hvordan du har pyntet det fine hjemmet deres, snuppa!


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